What is Environmental Due Dilligence?

Environmental due diligence is the process of evaluating the environmental conditions and risk associated with a property. it is an essential piece of the puzzle for anyone looking to purchase or receive funding for a property.
When is Environmental Due Diligence Required?
These types of investigations are typically required buy lending institutions before the financing of a real estate deal, refinancing of an existing loan or before the acceptance of collateralized property can be finalized.
Why are they important?
Environmental Due Diligence protects purchasers from being held liable for any pre-existing contaminations on the property which adheres to CERLCA. When CERLCA isn't followed, the new owner of the property could be held responsible for remediation of on-site and off-site contaminants.
What is CERLCA?
CERLCA; or Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensations, and Liability Act was established in 1980. It determines who is liable for any hazardous substances located on a property.
When a property owner is found to have violated Environmental Due Diligence they could be held responsible and could be subject to heavy fines on the Federal, State and Local levels. In the eyes of the law just owning a contaminated property could make you liable.
Due Diligence Services:
Environmental Screens
Record Search Risk Assessment (RSRA)
Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)
Transaction Screen Assessment (TSA)