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What are BMPs

Updated: Jan 2, 2023

Environment-damaging effects from construction sites include noise and vibration, habitat degradation, and air and water pollution. Many construction sites use Best Management Practices (BMPs), which are methods and tools that help prevent or lessen the environmental effects of building activities, to lessen these effects, construction site BMPs should include:

Controlling erosion and the accumulation of silt: BMPs are intended to stop soil erosion and the transport of sediment into rivers, streams, and other bodies of water. These BMPs may include tools like gravel-filled bags, silt fences, and sediment basins.

Stormwater management: BMPs for stormwater management are created to stop or lessen stormwater runoff from building sites. Measures like catch basins, rain gardens, and permeable pavement are examples of BMPs.

Air pollution control: BMPs for reducing air pollution emissions from sources like construction equipment are in place. These BMPs may include devices like mufflers, fuel additives, and diesel particulate filters.

Protection of the habitat: BMPs for protecting the habitat are intended to lessen the effects of building operations on wildlife and their habitats. These BMPs can involve precautions like using wildlife-friendly building materials and installing fence to safeguard sensitive areas.

Controlling noise and vibration: Noise and vibration BMPs are intended to lessen the effect of construction-related vibration and noise on surrounding businesses and households. Mufflers, sound barriers, and vibration-dampening tools are a few examples of these BMPs.

Construction sites can help to lessen their environmental impacts and make sure they are functioning in a responsible and sustainable manner by putting BMPs into place. BMP implementation can be expensive and time-consuming, but the long-term advantages for the environment and the community make it an investment that is justified.

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